

The CRC Example project is a demonstration program that uses the KSDK software to generate checksums for an ASCII string. Several CRC protocols are implemented using the CRC driver API.

Running the demo

CRC-16 Driver Example. test string: 123456789 CRC-16 CCIT FALSE: 0x29b1 1.CRC-16/KERMIT : 0x2189 2.CRC-16/XMODEM : 0x31c3 3.CRC-16/RIELLO : 0x63d0 4.CRC-16/TMS37157 : 0x26b1 5.CRC-16-MCRF4XX : 0x6f91 6.CRC-16/AUG-CCITT : 0xe5cc 7.CRC/CRCA : 0xbf05

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