This example shows how to use flexio mculcd driver interrupt based transactional APIs to drive MCU LCD panel. Please focus on functions DEMO_LcdWriteCommand, DEMO_LcdWriteData, and DEMO_LcdWriteMemory to learn how to use the APIs. Note that the DEMO_LcdWriteCommand and DEMO_LcdWriteData still use blocking APIs, because the send data is very small, blocking API is faster in this case. It is still OK to use FLEXIO_MCULCD_TransferNonBlocking in this case.
In this project, the panel is devided into 4 windows, the project changes the color of each window one by one. The behavior is:
Project starts with black screen.
Fill window one by one as red, and delay 0.5s after fill each window.
Fill window one by one as green, and delay 0.5s after fill each window.
Fill window one by one as blue, and delay 0.5s after fill each window.
Fill window one by one as white, and delay 0.5s after fill each window.
Go to step 2.
+—————————+—————————+ | | | | | | | | | | window 0 | window 1 | | | | | | | +—————————+—————————+ | | | | | | | | | | window 2 | window 3 | | | | | | | +—————————+—————————+