

The qn_adc_burst example shows how to use QN ADC driver with the burst way.

In this example, user should provide a voltage(from 0v to 2.7v) signal on the PA08 pin as the ADC’s sample input. When user type in any key from the keyboard, the burst mode is enabled and software trigger API is called to start the conversion. Then it polls the conversion completed flag till the conversion is completed. Then read the conversion result value and print it to debug console.

Running the demo

Press any key from keyboard and trigger the conversion. The log below shows example output of the ADC burst example in the terminal window:

ADC burst example.
Configuration Done.
Press any key to get demo channel's ADC value ...
Sample 10 numbers: 
Original: 0x401e9081    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.470825(mv)
Original: 0x401e8eb5    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.265625(mv)
Original: 0x401e8e85    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.244141(mv)
Original: 0x401e8e21    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.199707(mv)
Original: 0x401e9081    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.470825(mv)
Original: 0x401e8eb5    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.265625(mv)
Original: 0x401e8e85    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.244141(mv)
Original: 0x401e8e21    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.199707(mv)
Original: 0x401e8e85    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.244141(mv)
Original: 0x401e8e21    Ch: 8   Result: 1800.199707(mv)