

The SAR ADC self-test example shows the simplest way to use the SAR ADC driver.

In this example, three channels (channels 0, 1, and 2) are used to form a conversion chain, these three channels are executed in the normal conversion scan mode. The end-of-channel interrupt, pre-sample, DMA transfer, and watchdog features of each channel in the conversion chain are disabled. The self-test function is enabled, and the self-test watchdog threshold is used to check whether the self-test channel converted data is out of the range specified in the threshold, the watchdog timer is an additional check that monitors the sequence of the self-test algorithm implemented. It also verifies that the algorithm is completed within a safe period. The user should provide a voltage signal to each conversion channel. When running the project, When the execution of normal conversion ends, the terminal will print out the valid conversion data. When the conversion is more than 3 rounds and the current conversion chain is in the test channel conversion, abort the current conversion chain to make a watchdog sequence error, and the corresponding error information will be printed to the debug console.

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