The flexcan_efifo_interrupt_transfer example shows how to use FlexCAN Enhanced Rx FIFO in none-blocking interrupt way:
In this example, when setting ENABLE_LOOPBACK macro, only one board is needed. The example will config one FlexCAN Message Buffer to Tx Message Buffer and setup Enhanced Rx FIFO. After that, the example will send 4 CAN FD Messages from Tx Message Buffer to Enhanced Rx FIFO through internal loopback interconnect. The sent and received message will be print out to terminal
2 boards are required to be connected through CAN bus if ENABLE_LOOPBACK is not defined. Endpoint A(board A) send a CAN Message to Endpoint B(board B) when user press space key in terminal. Endpoint B receives the message by Enhanced Rx FIFO, and print the message content to terminal after receive 4 CAN FD messages.