The MCG_Lite example shows how to use MCG_Lite driver:
How to use the mode functions for MCG_Lite mode switch.
How to use the frequency functions to get current MCG_Lite frequency.
Work flow Reset mode –> LIRC8M LIRC8M –> HIRC HIRC –> LIRC2M LIRC2M –> EXT EXT –> HIRC HIRC –> LIRC8M LIRC8M –> EXT EXT –> LIRC2M LIRC2M –> HIRC HIRC –> EXT EXT –> LIRC8M LIRC8M –> LIRC2M LIRC2M –> LIRC8M In this example, because the debug console’s clock frequency may change, so the example running information is not output from debug console. Here the LED blinks to show that the example finished successfully.