

The EDMA wrap transfer example is a simple demonstration program that uses the SDK software. It excuates wrap transfer from source buffer to destination buffer using the SDK EDMA drivers. The purpose of this example is to show how to use the wrap feature of EDMA and to provide a simple example for debugging and further development. The example demostrate the wrap transfer by the feature of EDMA:

  1. edma modulo feature minor loop finished +————————————————-+ v | +——-+ +———————-+ major loop not finish +—————————————-+ source address range not hit modulo range +—————————+ | start | –> | major loop | ———————–> | minor loop | ——————————————-> | source address increament | +——-+ +———————-+ +—————————————-+ +—————————+ | | | major loop finished | source address range hit modulo range v v +———————-+ +—————————————-+ | example complete | | source address wrap | +———————-+ +—————————————-+

  2. edma major loop offet feature.

           +----------------------+                          +--------------------------------------------------------------+  trigger again   +------------------+
           |  transfer complete   | -----------------------> | source/destination address wrap(SLAST/DLAST) to origin value | ---------------> | example complete |
           +----------------------+                          +--------------------------------------------------------------+                  +------------------+
             | major loop finished

+——-+ +———————-+ major loop not finish +————————————————————–+ | start | –> | major loop | ———————–> | minor loop | +——-+ +———————-+ +————————————————————–+ ^ minor loop finished | +————————————————-+

Please reference user manual for the detail of the feature.

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