This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of mcuxpresso sdk. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.



The cmt example shows the simplest way to use CMT driver.

In this example, the CMT is work as Time mode and used to modulation 11 bit numbers of data. The CMT is configured to generate a 40000hz carrier generator signal through a modulator gate configured with different mark/space time period to represent bit 1 and bit 0. The modulated data rate is 9600.

Note, The end of cycle interrupt provides a means for the user to reload new mark/space values into the modulator data registers. Modulator data register updates will take effect at the end of the current modulation cycle. The CMT internal down-counter and space period register are updated at the end of every modulation cycle, irrespective of interrupt handling and the state of the interrupt. so please make sure the IRQ handler process is shorter than the modulation cycle to ensure the new mark/space counter is prepared before each end of modulation cycle.