This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of mcuxpresso sdk. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.



The DPU Fetch Yuv example shows how to use the DPU driver to enable fetch Yuv unit and the scaler. The fetch yuv output frame size is smaller than desired output, so the scaler units are used for the frame size convert.

If this example runs success, rectangles will move in the screen.

The DPU path is configured like this:

                                     *                    *
                                     *    Frame buffer    *
                                     *                    *
                                       +-----------------+   +-----------------+
                                       |                 |   |                 |
                                       |   FetchYuv0     |   |  Const Frame 0  |
                                       |                 |   |                 |
                                       +-----------------+   +-----------------+
                                               |                      |
                                               v                      |
                                       +-----------------+            |
                                       |                 |            |
                                       |   VScaler 4 &   |            |
                                       |   HScaler 4     |            |
                                       |                 |            |
                                       +-----------------+            |
                                               |                      v
                                               |             +-----------------+
                                               |             |                 |
                                               +------------>|   LayerBlend 1  |
                                                             |                 |
                                                             |                 |
                                                             |    ExtDst 0     |
                                                             |                 |
                                   Content Stream            +-----------------+
                                                             |                 |
                                                             |  FrameGen 0     |
                                                             |                 |

Supported Boards