This is the documentation for the latest (main) development branch of mcuxpresso sdk. If you are looking for the documentation of previous releases, use the drop-down menu on the left and select the desired version.



The fee_bpli example shows how to use MCG driver to change from FEE mode to BLPI mode:

  1. How to use the mode functions for MCG mode switch.

  2. How to use the frequency functions to get current MCG frequency.

  3. Work flow Boot to FEE mode from default reset mode Change from FEE -> FBI -> BLPI Change back BLPI -> FBI -> FEE Get System clock in FEE mode to blink LED

In this example, because the debug console’s clock frequency may change, so the example running information is not output from debug console. Here the LED blinks to show that the example finished successfully.

Supported Boards